Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Writing Challenge: 250 words per day

In the interest of coaxing myself to write at least six days per week, I have joined a challenge.

*Because lately, {gasp!} I've become the "writer who does not write." 

I almost cringe at announcing this on here, because whenever I disclose my grand intentions, it seems my subconscious believes that's all I need to do. I start out all gung-ho, with ninja-sharp determination, only to fizzle out after all is said and done. I tell the world of my intentions and my intentions start to become just that: words with no action.

Perhaps it is my nature. I have varied interests, and they all compete for my attention. It's a minute-by-minute struggle to stay focused. Recently though, I came to the conclusion I must follow my heart, go where my intuition nudges, allow it to lead me where it wants. To see what happens next should be all the fun.

Lately, my heart screams whispers to write. It whispers to use more of what I have; it suggests I sit steadily working at the dusty instruments lying around my house. It wants to immerse itself in music, try new recipes without hesitation, create without questions, doubts, or indecision. My heart swoons when I'm one with a song, when floured hands create something beautiful and delicious, when words flow and push through the chaos all around me. I suppose I'm interested in putting Barbara Sher's revelation to the test when she said, “What you are really supposed to be doing is whatever makes your heart sing.”

Since I don't do enough of what makes my heart sing, I'm ready to begin this journey. This time however, I will begin with baby steps rather than taking on huge endeavors and then falling flat when fear shows its fangs.

250 words a day is doable.  I began last night and was surprised when I exceeded this word count with one thing remaining: a hunger to keep writing.

Join me, won't you?  

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